“KeenLEDs” – sound & temperature controlled 4 RGB LEDs, AcryLight with gift like designs
2008-2010, private project, 1 developer
result: 15 samples are sold, PCB is designed, 3 variants are implemented
MC: ATtiny13-25-45; languages: ะก; tools: PN, AVR cross-compiler, Orcad
4 RGB LEDs generating random colors. Speed of blinking depends on ambient loudness. One implementation indicates room temperature as color.
Watch ones video Pyramid-Vid01 and HoldersWood-Vid01.
Designed and implemented as USB extension cords:
– wood visit cards holder with vertical highlighted acrylic plate (with engraved picture);
– wood visit cards and small papers holder;
– acrylic Pyramid of Cheops;
– (80% finished ): battery powered transparent acrylic plate (tea cup mat) to show temperature with color.
Design, Home/Entertainment, Microcontrollers, PCB Design, Sensors/Detectors, USB